About Us
Arden Group is a one stop shop for Building and Maintenance, Fit-Out and Construction; incorporating mainly in house trades relating directly to Services and works. Arden also enlists highly skilled specialized contractors to ensure we can deliver each project to the highest level with our total quality management approach. The group has a successful track record since inception and is widely recognised for their business integrity, experience quality or workmanship and flexibility.
While the group continues to diversify, the core services they provide specialize in:
Reactive Maintenance, Service Station Maintenance & Fit Outs, Programmed Maintenance, Body Corporate and Insurance Work, Re-fits and Retro Fit Outs, Supermarkets, Universities, National Works & Projects, and Retail Fit Outs.
At Arden we believe that our experience across a wide variety of building works gives us the capability to deliver and exceed expectations defined by our clients in their scope of works. Our knowledge of fuel outlet and laboratory fit out and our adaptability to use this knowledge to deliver outstanding results make us a perfect candidate for any project.

Arden is commited to:
Exceeding our customer expectations,
Quality customer service,
Understanding our customers’ needs,
Pro-active maintenance management,
Delivering “value” and ensuring equity and fairness in all pricing,
Safe and healthy working environments for all,
Acting in an ethical manner at all times,
Equal opportunity,
Building long-term relationships with our customers,
Ensuring all contractors are highly qualified and skilled in relevant areas of expertise.
Meet The Team
Our Accreditations & Certifications
Management System Certified to ISO 45001 (OHS)
Management System Certified to ISO 14001 (Environmental)
Management System Certified to ISO 9001 (Quality)
Queensland Commercial Builders Licence 1195151
Australian Capital Territory Commercial Builders Licence 20121144
Western Australia Commercial Builders Licence 27114
Victorian Commercial Builders Licence CB-U6191
CM3 Qualification for Risk Management Services
South Australian Commercial Builders Licence BLD 262871
Tasmania Commercial Builders Licence CC6782
Government Construction Supply Register CSR Ref: 900770
WPCG Training Accreditation {28/11/07}
MBAV {Member No: 9107}
IS Network Accredited
Pegasus Safety and Training Accredited
UGL/DTZ Services Accredited
Arden Building Maintenance is committed to the total integration of the safety, health environmental and quality functions of our business and to achieving and maintaining certification status to the National and International standards of:
Occupational Health and Safety Standard ISO 45001
Environmental Management System Standard ISO 14001.
Quality Management System Standard ISO 9001.
The objective of the development and implementation of this system is to ensure that:
Customer requirements are achieved, in both quality and performance.
Products and services are provided for the safest most cost-effective manner with due regard for the environment.
Improvement opportunities are identified and implemented to increase company profitability in a responsible manner.
To demonstrate our commitment to Safety, Health, Environment and Quality (SHEQ) Arden Building Maintenance is committed to:
Complying with Health, Safety and Environmental legislation and regulations and relevant Codes of Practice;
Providing and maintaining safe work places and safe systems of work where hazards and potential risks are identified and eliminated or effectively managed;
Engaging all employees, contractors and others to carry out their work in a manner that does not present a risk to themselves, workmates, others or the environment;
Establishing and maintaining a workforce that understands the importance of SHEQ through regular communication and training;
Minimising waste and pollution through efficient use and correct disposal of all resources;
Continually improving through the involvement and consultation of all employees, contractors and others in the development and implementation of effective SHEQ systems, programs and procedures;
Understanding our customer requirements through regular contact and strive to exceed expectations;
Providing adequate resources to meet the above commitments.